Dental Hospital in Aduthurai-Dentist in Aduthurai-Banu Dental Clinic

Dental Hospital in Aduthurai-Dentist in Aduthurai-Banu Dental Clinic

There is now laser whitening or ‘power whitening'. During this treatment a light or laser is shone on the teeth to activate the chemical. The light speeds up the chemical reaction of the whitening product and the shade change can be achieved more quickly. Laser whitening can make teeth up to five or six shades lighter. This treatment usually takes about one hour and you must be seen by a qualified dentist before starting treatment.

Under European law, tooth whitening can only be carried out by or under the supervision of a dentist. Whitening kiosks are now therefore illegal, as is whitening by a beautician. Only a dentist is able to properly examine your teeth to see whether whitening is appropriate, and to make sure that it is done safely without damaging your teeth other parts of your mouth such as your gums.  Dental Hospital in Kuthalam - Dentist in Kuthalam

Teeth can be straightened with orthodontics (braces). This is usually done during the teenage years, when the jaws are going through a period of growth. However, many adults also have treatment to straighten their crooked teeth or to improve their appearance. The treatment can take much longer in adults and is therefore more expensive.

Some people have clear or plastic braces, which are hardly noticeable. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, first see your dental team and get their advice. Your dental team can talk to you about your treatment options and if necessary refer you to an orthodontist, a dentist who specialises in straightening teeth. Dental Hospital in Mayiladuthurai - Dentist in Mayiladuthurai

There are also now ‘invisible' braces. Your dentist will make you a series of clear plastic shields which need to be worn all day and gradually move your teeth into a new position.