final year projects for electrical engineering 2021 2022 - Power Integrated

final year projects for electrical engineering 2021 2022 - Power Integrated

Power Integrated Solutions, the innovators in Commercial, Electronics Products, Engineering Lab Equipment’s and IEEE & NON-IEEE Based projects. Our service offers for the complete product development cycle. Our team has more than 10+ year experience in the field of embedded based application designing, product development, project training and course training so.We have also done more than 3000 projects based on Electronic,Electrical,Computer Science,Power Electronics and Power System.In the world, there is a strong demand from industry for engineers who have implementing new technologies for a task.Project Center in Trichy is a design company that works closely with its technical customers to achieve results as fast and as cost effectively as possible With a highly skilled and experienced team of engineers, we provide a broad range of electronic design skills and resources to your project, as it is needed. This gives the project manager the flexibility and control to optimize the project for fast completion or cost, or to react to the unexpected Specialist Area. Our engineering team is made up of engineers with many years of experience with major engineering companies, taking products from concept through to production.


This project is designed to know the voltage level of a battery from the number of LEDs that are glowing. It uses ten LEDs in all. So if three LEDs glow, it indicates battery capacity of 30 per cent. Unlike in mobile phones where the battery-level indicator function is integrated with other functions. This project uses ten comparators, which are internally assembled in the voltage divider network based on the current-division rule. So it divides the battery level into ten parts. The circuit derives the power supply for its operation from the battery of the device itself. It uses ten LEDs wired in a 10-dot mode. The use of different coloured LEDs makes it easier to recognise the voltage level on the basis of the calibration made. Red LEDs indicate battery capacity of less than 40 per cent. Orange LEDs indicate battery capacity of 40 to less than 70 per cent and green LEDs  indicate battery capacity of 70 to under 100 per cent. diploma electrical projects titles topic 2021 2022

The brightness of the LEDs can be adjusted by varying the value of preset. Diode is used to prevent the circuit from reverse-polarity battery connection. The tenth LED glows only when the battery capacity is full, i.e., the battery is fully charged. When the battery is fully charged, relay-driver transistor T1 conducts to energise relay RL1. This stops the charging through normally-open (N/O) contacts of relay. For calibration, connect 15V variable, regulated power supply and initially set it at 3V. Slowly adjust VR1 until LED1 glows.

`This project uses regulated 12V, 750mA power supply for charging the battery. 7812 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/18V step down transformer.

Project Center in Trichy IOT EEE VLSI Final Year- Power Integrated

Diploma Electrical Engineering Projects List - Project Center in Trichy IOT EEE VLSI Final Year- Power Integrated