Literature Review Website quality impact on customers services - CodeShoppy

Literature Review Website quality impact on customers services - CodeShoppy

Social Commerce as a result of the advancement of Social Networking Sites and Web 2.0 is increasing as a new model of online shopping. With techniques to improve the website using AJAX, Adobe Flash, XML, and RSS, Social Media era has changed the internet user behavior to be more communicative and active in internet, they love to share information and recommendation among communities. Social commerce also changes the way people shopping through online. Social commerce will be the new way of online shopping nowadays. But the new challenge is business has to provide the interactive website yet interesting website for internet users, the website should give experience to satisfy their needs. This purpose of research is to analyze the website quality (System Quality, Information Quality, and System Quality) as well as interaction feature (communication feature) impact on social commerce website and customers purchase intention. Data from 134 customers of social commerce website were used to test the model. Multiple linear regression is used to calculate the statistic result while confirmatory factor analysis was also conducted to test the validity from each variable. The result shows that website quality and communication feature are important aspect for customer purchase intention while purchasing in social commerce website.
TAM is a widely referenced theoretical model for predicting intention to use and acceptance of information systems by individuals . It constitutes the foundation for investigation into the impacts of external factors on internal belief, attitude and behavior intention. Building upon the theory of Reasoned Action Model, Davis proposed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explain and predict user acceptance of information systems (IS) or information technology. According to TAM, perceived usefulness (PU) is amajor factor, and perceived ease of use (PEOU) is a secondary factor, in determining system usage . Davis suggested that usage of IS was determined by user behavioral intentions, which themselves werejointly determined by PU and attitudes toward using the IS . And the attitudes were determined by user PU and PEOU . PU was defined as “theprospective user’s subjective probability that using a specific application system will increase his or her job performance within an organizational context”,
Service Quality is defined as customer evaluation of the quality on online service delivery provided by the website and business , the components of service quality such as feedback, customer service, search, and complaint handling . While eTailQ scale describe service quality dimensions are fulfillment, customer service, design of the web, and privacy as well as security .
website quality, actually in social commerce we have to prepare the platform and framework for that suitable for web 2.0. This will support some features for social commerce such as connection, communication, collaboration, sharing, and many others. Social commerce architecture can be distinguish into two architecture, they are conceptual architecture and also technological architecture. In conceptual area we describe the actors involved, process until outputs, while in technological architecture we talking about the platforms, structure of the infrastructure, services, application, internet, social networking, database, web server, cache memories, and also application server