A ICSE School Lead Informal Learning Education - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School

A ICSE School Lead Informal Learning Education - Karthi Vidhyalaya International ICSE School


School education in the early years involves much drill, repetition and rote learning. The child has to learn the alphabet of the language of his education, learn vocabulary, pronunciation and elementary reading skills; be able to recognize objects, their features and relationships; and learn basic concepts and skills of arithmetic and geometry. The teaching community has developed many techniques to reduce the drudgery of drills and rote learning in early primary education such as group activities, games, songs and play-acting. However, these techniques are intense in terms of teacher-student interaction. The field of computing has the potential to contribute much to helping teachers in making early learning experience of children enjoyable and efficacious. The present work reports development of PAL - Platform for Assisted Learning. PAL is a platform for aiding understanding of concepts and learning of basic skills in areas mentioned above. Its special features are that it

(1) uses open source software resources for content creation,

(2) makes it fairly easy for the content authors to create their own content in a uniform manner,

(3) enables content creation involving animation, audio, and video with rich interaction,

(4) enables tracking and adaptive guidance.


This research takes safety knowledge of traffic safety, food safety and electricity safety as the educational content to design the teaching. It puts forward a theoretical model of safety education APP for primary school students based on embodied cognitive theory, completes the design and development of the software, and finally evaluates the effect. Data show that using this software can help students learn and master safety knowledge. In addition, due to the good software autonomy and interaction, most students are willing to accept this kind of security education. Read More


There are numerous efforts throughout the country both at the national level and state levelsto promote the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.Local efforts in particular may try to introduce these disciplines in a variety of ways. Specifically related to engineering, efforts focuson introducing students to the field, promote engineering as an engaging and rewarding career path,and also simplypromote a more accurate view Click Here

